A Beautiful Foyer
The entrance of a house can say it all. You can tell many things about a person or family just from the entrance of a home. You can really see the entire lifestyle of a family merely upon entering the house. And this starts with the front door. (Really more than that, it starts with the sidewalk up to the front door, but we won’t get into that just yet.) A foyer says a lot. It explains things such as “This door is for company only.” Or, “This is our main family door because it is the closest access to the tree in the front yard that the kids climb.” Or, “Please don’t touch anything.” Or, “Vintage.” Or, “Look at our beautiful staircase that our daughter will walk down for her first prom.” To even, “Oh, just step over the toys.” It completely describes the family or person precisely. All that to say, we are designing a foyer this week for one of our clients. And we can’t wait to show it to you when it is all said and done! Take a peek at the pieces that will represent the lifestyle of our client!